Monday, February 28, 2011

To cut or not to cut

Our three beautiful boys get their first little boy hair cut.  Very cute I say !




Our beautiful Pond

Another day another project around the house!

Who would have thought that dismantling our beautiful pond that took us so long to construct would take only 2 days to dismantle.

Here are some images of all of that hard work gone in (what it feels like) minutes.

Drago did all of the hard work (good job babe) whilst I kept the boys from jumping in the pond.  

Sunday, February 27, 2011

All Aboard for a Train Party

I really enjoyed organising this party.  To see our boys faces when they arrived at the miniature railway all dressed up in their railway workers outfits was priceless.


I chose red and black as the theme for my twin boys birthday party.

Red and black balloons were punched out of paper then were scattered on the table.  The cutlery was wrapped in a black napkin then tied with twine. You can just make out a black box under the rectangular red dish.  I painted the tops of cardboard boxes and used them to elevate platters. Giving the table a little more height.

Two holes were punched on the right hand side of the lolly bag labels to hold a balloon.  That way every child left the party with a balloon.

Train cut outs from black cardstock adorned my cupcake stand.  The silhouette image was found on the internet. 

There were cupcakes with liquorice tracks and others with stars in the midnight sky.

This mini birthday cake banner was made to match the life size one I made for the party.  A little twine and skewers was all that was needed to finish the mini banner off.

I was inspired by other sites for the train cake and colour scheme but the mountain cake and mini banner was an experiment by me. 

Happy 3rd Birthday boys!

Welcome to my blog :)

Well Hi, My Name is Lia (Emilia, Em, Emi and Lee to others).I'm sure everyone starts with......what am I going to write?This blog is about sharing things like.....the template I created for my twin boys train birthday party, the posters and decoration ideas I created for my 80's birthday party, other party decorating ideas that my friends and I have concocted and basically things that have insipred me from other blogs and websites.  In essence most things paper.
Don't expect perfect grammar on this blog.I write like I talk.

I don't expect to be the worlds youngest billionaire, although it would be nice.  Nor do I expect to be one of the top 10 blogs in Australia.  I do hope that I am able to make life a little easier for someone, somewhere.Ciao for now.


My first Vintage card

I loooove vintage things and was so excited when I attended a stampin up demonstration and we were shown how to make this cards. My first truly vintage card.

Our card making mission

On Friday nights the girls and I get together and make cards.  For the last year we pretty much spean a lot of time just chatting, chatting and chatting not to mention eat great food provided by Ari (Always yummy.....Thank you!). 

So, we decided it was time to put our heads down and bums up and actually produce more than 1 card or part of.  Sounds easy you say but not normally the case.  We all surprised ourselves this Friday just passed, we all made more than 1 card and I managed to make not 1, not 2 but 16 cards.  We were inspired by a post that Pammy found on the internet and we all decided to go with it and use this as our inspiration.  So here they are.

I hope you feel inspired to take up card making or to do the same as we are!!!