Sunday, February 27, 2011

Welcome to my blog :)

Well Hi, My Name is Lia (Emilia, Em, Emi and Lee to others).I'm sure everyone starts with......what am I going to write?This blog is about sharing things like.....the template I created for my twin boys train birthday party, the posters and decoration ideas I created for my 80's birthday party, other party decorating ideas that my friends and I have concocted and basically things that have insipred me from other blogs and websites.  In essence most things paper.
Don't expect perfect grammar on this blog.I write like I talk.

I don't expect to be the worlds youngest billionaire, although it would be nice.  Nor do I expect to be one of the top 10 blogs in Australia.  I do hope that I am able to make life a little easier for someone, somewhere.Ciao for now.



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